Learn more about how schools are financed in Texas in this video:

This video was created in 2018, so when the 86th session Legislature passed HB 3 the new state school funding law, it impacted some of the calculations shown in the video.  Here's a good recap of what was in the bill: https://www.texastribune.org/2019/05/24/texas-school-finance-bill-here-are-details/


And a podcast from National PTA on education dollars: 

As school districts plan for an unprecedented back-to-school season, money is particularly tight. National PTA invited Dr. Marguerite Roza, from Education Finance 101: Money Talks, back to the show to give us an update. She shares what's currently happening in the world of education finance and how families can advocate for their child's needs.
Las Finanzas Escolares Durante COVID-19  

Education Finance 201: COVID-19 Bonus Episode