A few tips and resources for running a PTA meeting!
First, check your bylaws and make sure you know how many meetings (and when) you need to have each year.
- Planning and Scheduling: Planning is key to a successful meeting. Perfection not required!
- Have a clear purpose for your meeting. The best way? Agendas! Put together an agenda with 5-7 items for discussion that are timely and relevant. And allocate some time for each. But then follow it! Stay on task and on time by following the agenda and plannedtime. Send the agenda out ahead of the meetings. Members will appreciate that their time was valued and feel a sense of accomplishment.
- Scheduled: Get your timing right! Try polling members on times that work for the majority. Keep a regular schedule if you can so members know it's coming.
- Engagement: Be sure everyone is heard by following parliamentary procedure (Click here for a basic outline from National PTA!) In addition to your facilitator duties of starting on time and keeping to the agenda, be sure to engage your members. welcome your members and invite their participation. Never forget the power of making someone feel welcome! This is the core of PTA so be sure to try to greet new people right away, and introduce yourself and the board!
- Consider activities like speakers to get better engagement. This might be a great time for parent education, or student presentations.
- Use visual aids to get and keep members' attention.
- Food and drink. Simple things make meetings more appealing. If it's possible, you might want to consider off-campus fun locations for meetings!
- At the meeting:
- Quorum: Check your bylaws for your quorum (the minimum number of members needed so PTA can conduct business). You can still hold the meeting without quorum, but cannot take a vote.
- Minutes: Meeting minutes are part of PTA's permanent file. They're an IRS requirement and should be noted in all reconciliations.
- Social time:Think about adding time before or after the meetingfor member to get to Know each other and board members socially.