Support Student Success
Public School Funding System Reform
Pursue an adequate and equitable solution for school funding that maintains accountability and responsibility for educating the whole child and includes funding for enrollment growth.
Special Education Funding
Support increased funding for special education services sufficient to address the requirements of the federal government’s corrective action, including teacher training, student evaluation, and increased student services.
Literacy by 3rd Grade
Support programs that ensure all 3rd grade students are reading and writing on grade-level, including full-day Pre-K funding that prioritizes students in at-risk environments.
Health and Safety
School Safety
Pursue comprehensive school safety legislation, including policies to fund the hardening of school facilities and improve access and utilization of Texas School Safety Center (TxSSC) professional development and comprehensive safety and security plans.
Support policies to strengthen anti-cyberbullying laws.
Student Mental Health
Improve school safety by developing and funding a comprehensive plan of programs and services specifically designed to help students be mentally strong and prepared to cope with personal challenges, and systems to identify and provide services to students in need of mental health intervention.
Healthy Lifestyles
Support policies that reduce childhood obesity through education, healthy food choices, and physical activity.
Juvenile Justice Reform
Support comprehensive reform of the Juvenile Justice system, increasing the age of adult criminal responsibility from 17 to 18, and policies that reduce the school-to-prison pipeline.
Campus Immunization Reporting
Support legislation requiring school districts to report the number of unvaccinated students in each school so families can make the safest school-placement decision for medically vulnerable children.
T21, Raise the Age to 21 for Tobacco Purchases
Support legislation to limit youth access to tobacco products — including e-cigarettes and vaping/juuling devices — through social sources such as older high school students.
Human Trafficking of Children
Pursue legislation protecting children and youth from the exploitation and victimization of human trafficking, and support legislation to waive any criminal responsibility if they are apprehended for criminal activity orchestrated by the trafficker.
Meaningful Assessment & Accountability
A-F Accountability System
Advocate for an accountability system that more broadly reviews school performance and includes a family engagement component.
State Assessment
Advocate for reduced emphasis on state-mandated testing, focusing on grades 3-8, monitor changes to STAAR for high school students, and encourage limits on benchmark testing for all tested grades.
Individual Graduation Committee
Advocate for the continuation of Individual Graduation Committees with authority to allow students to graduate when they have failed no more than two end-of-course exams, but successfully completed all required curriculum.
Strengthen Public Schools
Keep Public Dollars in Public Schools
Demand policies that prevent taxpayer dollars from funding private schools through a voucher system that lacks transparency and educational accountability.