A positive parent-teacher relationship contributes to your child's school success! “It demonstrates to your child that he can trust his teacher, because you do. This positive relationship makes a child feel like the important people in his life are working together.”  And communication is the KEY factor to this relationship.

Here is a list of sample questions from Learning Heros to ask the teacher so that you know how to help your child at home!

Questions to Ask Your Teacher

Other things to remember:
- Respect on each side!  Work on a collaborative strategy to address challenges, not an adversarial one.

- Let your student work on their own relationship with their teacher.  Take the backseat and let your student take the lead in creating this important relationship!

- Allowing your teacher a glimpse into your student's personality, yes; bragging, avoid it!  You don't need to sell your student and bragging will backfire.  trust your teacher will see very quickly that your child is a star in their own way