For several months, the State Board of Education (SBOE) has been engaged in the process of updating the curriculum standards for health education courses taught in schools. Known as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), these standards are the concepts that public school students must learn in health courses.
This is the first update of the Health Education TEKS by the SBOE in 22 years and provides an extraordinary opportunity to ensure that all Texas students are receiving information that will keep them physically and mentally safe.
Texas PTA has submitted comments to the SBOE with specific recommendations regarding the Health Education TEKS. These recommendations address a wide variety of instructional elements, including sexual and reproductive health, healthy and unhealthy relationships, information on immunizations, and the dangers of vaping.
In mid-August, the SBOE released the Health Education TEKS Review Final Recommendations for health and sex education. Texas PTA submitted comments on the final recommendations. These TEKS will be debated and preliminarily adopted when the SBOE reconvenes September 8-11. To submit comments on the document, please indicate "Health Education TEKS Review Final Recommendations Feedback" in the subject line and submit to TEA at
A final vote on the revised Health Education TEKS will take place November 17-20.