Notes from the Backpack is a PTA podcast designed for millions of parents and the decisionmakers they influence.

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Lo que necesitas saber para apoyar la educacion de sus hijos

25 | Lo que necesitas saber para apoyar la educacion de sus hijos


Amalia Chamorro
Associate Director of Education Policy, UNIDOS US

Hablamos con Amalia Chamorro, Directora Asociada de Política Educativa de UnidosUS para obtener más información sobre el impacto de COVID-19 en nuestros estudiantes Latinos y su impacto potencial en el regreso a la escuela....
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COVID-19 & Back to School

24 | COVID-19 & Back to School?


Amalia Chamorro
Associate Director of Education Policy, UNIDOS US

As the school year wraps up virtually, families around the world are wondering, what comes next? We spoke with Amalia Chamorro, Associate Director of Education Policy at UNIDOS US to learn more about COVID-19’s impact on our children and its potential impact on the back-to-school season. She reflects on the drastic changes families have faced these last few months and how schools and families will continue to have to adapt moving forward....
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Keep Your Cool: Tackling Behavioral Issues

23 | Keep Your Cool: Tackling Behavioral Issues


Dr. Ross Greene
Founder, Lives in Balance

How can we work with our kids to create less stress and conflict around daily routines? We talked with Dr. Ross Greene, psychologist and founder of Lives in Balance, about how to address a child’s toughest behaviors. Greene shares how to improve relationships and bring peace to your home....
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Raising Curious Kids

22 | Raising Curious Kids


Dr. Carol O’Donnell
Director, Smithsonian Science Education Center

Our kids seem to have endless questions. Encouraging this curiosity is good for their development. We spoke with Dr. Carol O’Donnell, Director of the Smithsonian Science Education Center, who shares how families can find science in the world around them and fun activities you can do at home....
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Growing Great Readers

21 | Growing Great Readers


Dr. Rebecca Silverman
Associate Professor, Stanford Graduate School of Education

We talked with Dr. Rebecca Silverman, professor at Stanford University, to learn how we can raise lifelong readers. She offered strategies for fostering a love of reading and guidance on what you should expect from your child at each age....
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Interview with National Teacher of the Year

20 | Interview with National Teacher of the Year


Rodney Robinson
2019 National Teacher of the Year

We spoke with National Teacher of the Year, Rodney Robinson, in front of a live audience at National PTA’s Legislative Conference. Rodney offered his insights into the teaching profession, issues of equity, school discipline and the importance of recruiting more black educators....
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Online Learning During COVID-19

19 | Online Learning During COVID-19


Dr. Natalie Milman
Educational Technology Professor, George Washington University

Online learning during COVID-19 presents unique challenges. We talked with Dr. Natalie Milman, professor of Education Technology at George Washington University, to get her insights into emergency remote teaching and learning, education technology, strategies for supporting your child and more....
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What?s Going on in My Kid?s Brain?

18 | What’s Going on in My Kid’s Brain?


Dr. Brandi Kenner
Senior Consultant, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Sometimes you can’t help but wonder, what is my kid thinking? We spoke with Dr. Brandi Kenner, senior consultant at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, about how a child’s brain works. She shared helpful strategies for teaching them how to manage their emotions and behavior....
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Supporting Our Kids: Special Education 101

17 | Supporting Our Kids: Special Education 101


Debra Jennings
Co-Executive Director, Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN)

The world of special education can be overwhelming for families—especially right now, as families are navigating learning from home. We talked with expert Debra Jennings, from the Statewide Parent Education Network (SPAN), to ensure your child is supported during these trying times....
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Tackling COVID-19 Anxiety Together

16 | Tackling COVID-19 Anxiety Together


Dr. Erlanger “Earl” Turner

COVID-19 has drastically changed our daily lives. We talked with psychologist, author and professor Dr. Earl Turner about how to stay happy, healthy and learning during this difficult time. He shares tips for setting routines, managing your mental health and coping with uncertainty....
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Money Talks: School Finance 101

15 | Money Talks: School Finance 101


Dr. Marguerite Roza
Director of the Edunomics Lab

We spoke with Dr. Marguerite Roza, Director of the Edunomics Lab to learn about the mystery of education finance. She offers practical guidance on how families can stay informed about their school district’s financial decisions and how they can advocate for the priorities they care most about....
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How to Talk to Your Kid about Gun Violence

14 | How to Talk to Your Kid about Gun Violence


Edith Bracho-Sanchez
Director of Pediatric Telemedicine, Columbia University

We turn to expert Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez who shares how to have open and honest conversations with children of all ages about lockdown drills, school shootings and all of the emotions that come along with these topics....
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