DSISD had put together some resources for mental health resources. The district's mental health initiative has found partnership wth PTA and the Dripping Springs Education Foundation. In 2019, DSISD Council PTA hosted a Tiger Talk on mental wellness and challenges our students face with a panel of DSISD counselors. In 2020-21 school year, we are planning more events to provide parent education on a wide variety of topics as well as helping with parent self care. We'll post events as they are confirmed on the website calendar. Events will also be posted on our social media outlets so be sure to follow for those events, as well as posts on our children's mental wellness, and self care!
Click Here for community resources for students, and families.
CLICK HERE for online resources for specific challenges our teens face with their mental wellness.
A great resource from DSISD Council of PTA's Tiger Talk on 11/5/2020 about How to Talk to your Child about mental illness is the Conversation Guide. This guide is a great resource with in-depth look at topics such as signs of a struggle within your teen, preparing yourself to have the conversation, what to do and say and follow ups, especially if you're having trouble connecting! Download it here.