TIGER TALKS were a series of seminars, workshops and presentations sponsored by the Dripping Springs ISD Council of PTAs.  The topics vary widely from our first Tiger Talk on vaping to recent Talks co-sponsored with the Dripping Springs Education Foundation and DSISD Counselors "Parent University" on "The Science of Resilience". 

The first Tiger Talk was in the 2021-2022 school year and was "Parenting with Relational Neuroscience: How You and Your Teen's Brains & Nervous Systems are Key to Communication & Connection".  Watch the recording of the presentation below.

When we understand how our teens are wired, we can respond more effectively in moments of stress or conflict. When we dig a little deeper into our own wiring, we become even more adept at navigating the adolescent years with better communication and deeper connection. Parenting teens has never been easy, and this is a particularly challenging time in recent history. When we use relational neuroscience to help us understand how our own brains & bodies respond in tough parenting moments, as well as how our teen's brains & bodies work, we can get better at self-regulating when we get activated, and are better able to support our teens' emotion regulation. This co-regulation is simple to understand but really tough to actually do in the moment. That's why we've created a space & time to learn more about the concepts, reflect on our own wiring & attachment systems, and explore the application of these concepts to real life moments. We look forward to learning and growing with you.  Presented with Blake Norton and Tracy Tanner.