Stressed out by the college admissions process? This PTA podcast is for you! Ffiona Rees, board chair of the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC) shares her top tips for supporting your teen as they navigate college admissions.

College Readiness

Five Tips for College Readiness, a presentation by Texas PTA, and sponsored here by the Dripping Springs High School PTSA. The speaker, Adrienne Murphey, is the Parent and Family Outreach Coordinator at the University of Texas Austin. This 22 minute video covers a wide variety of topics from time management and more, that students may encounter in their first year of college.

More to think about after the video:

- Safety Plan. Does your student have a safety plan in place? What might you start now?

-Our students are legal adults' at 18(!), so how do we help them become more independent? Some examples might be managing their finances and time for tasks/assignments, making their own appointments, advocating for themselves. Being prepared is key, so let them know they can reach out to you but provide resources for them to do it on their own!

-Check out these resources on some financial literacy skills -

- What are some time management skills that they can start now to help them in their path for independence?

check out